HomeLife With An Australian Shepard Dog

Being a cowboy seems to be the dream of many little boys around the world. And what’s great is that some of those dreams do come true. You see them dressed up at parties, decked out in the hat and boots at garden BBQs taking the law into their own hands. And what better way to complete the look than with a trusted puppy.
We have all seen those movies where the cowboy is sat on his horse while it walks through the fields. And he is scanning the herd, and his four-legged friend is trotting beside him, an unbeatable team. Now imagine that to be your little boy all grown up, well, it all begins at home.
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Furry family member.
If you have ever seen a child light up when they are given a pet as a present. Then you will know how easy it is to get teary. They emanate love and happiness so strong it immediately dissolves any doubts. You had about getting the puppy in the first place.
Giving your child a Shepard Dog is a big responsibility and from day one you need to guide and advise them on how to take care of them to the best of their ability. Thankfully, the Australian Shepard dog personality suits most families and dynamics. They are friendly, loyal, and hardworking and will protect your family to the ends of the Earth.
But take note that if you don’t have children or live on a farm that needs tending to and cattle herding then this may not be the dog for you. Shepard dogs enjoy the outdoors, working hard and tirelessly till the job is done, and if you are an active individual who enjoys being fit through outdoor activities then you could well have found your match.
As you run along the park edge trying to accumulate miles and steps and remain reasonably healthy, your dog will be chasing birds, the kids, and anything else he can lock his eyes onto. They are natural herders and enjoy the ‘rounding up’ aspect of life.
It has great fur coloring blending into surroundings and has been used successfully not just on agricultural lands but for the service industry. If you want to enjoy the blockbuster movie click on dhoom 2 release date.
Tips and advice to training a Shepard dog.
Not all Shepard Dog are the same no matter if they come from the same breed or family, they are all unique and different in their own way. Some people even believe you should never get only one dog. That the more the merrier is not just a quote (see here but at the end of the day. You need to do what works for you.
Thoroughbreds and dogs that are considered more ‘exotic’ understandably require more effort and commitment to make sure to do your research. And homework before purchasing one of those simply because you like the way they look.
When it comes to the Australian Shepard there are a few fundamentals to be aware of before adopting or purchasing from a breeder. Let’s take a look at what some of those points are.
- These are working dogs, bred for tackling jobs, and thus require a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise daily. The higher the energy exertion level the better. They do great at obstacle courses and agility training so if you have a park near your home. With equipment it is the perfect place for them to jump, crawl and sprint around the apparatus.
- Excellent guard dogs. They will protect their owners and the family diligently against strangers and intruders until instructed to stand down. It also means however that the barking could become an annoyance to neighbors. If they are not being exercise enough to stimulate them mentally as well as physically.
- Bred for the outdoors these dogs do best when they have a bit of space to run around. If you live in the city be sure to take them outside as much as possible to let off steam or they will become bored and end up destroying the house. They do not do well in apartments.
This doesn’t mean to say that city living is against Shepard dogs, click this link for more detailed information but essentially depending on the size and temperament of your pup, fresh air will do them the world of good, and you too. Nothing refreshes the battery quite like a fat-burning session down the fields with your dog and a tennis ball.
What to look for when getting a dog.
Cuteness unfortunately is only a small percentage of what to consider when looking for the right fit of dog for you. You need to weigh up the time they need for exercise and attention versus your family and work lifestyles. Will you have time to balance it all.
Dogs have feelings the same as us and when left alone for too long can become depressed and lonely, and begin to look around the house for entertainment. Think about the ages of your children, babies, and young children. Will grow up with the puppy and will form a strong bond. But may not have the understanding yet to be gentle with a smaller dog or know. When it is time to give them a break.
There are a lot of factors to take on board, so take your time, make wise choices, and enjoy the journey with your furry family member.